Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's that time of year again!!

September...I'll start by saying that I do not like September.  It is the start of cooler weather...which just means winter is coming quickly.  I don't like my kids going back to school either.  I'm one of those weird moms that like their kids around.  I especially don't like my daughter getting another year older in September...just a reminder that I too, am getting another year older...ick!!  And, to add more to my dislike, I just put my baseball bag away to only be taken out again next spring...booo!!!

I do, however, love this time of year for baseball!!  The season is winding down, and the playoffs are coming!!!  Now, I usually like this time better if my team, the Detroit Tigers (duh!!!) are doing well.  2006 was a fantastic year!  Still to this day of watching Maggs hit that home run to go the the World Series gives me goosebumps!!! (and I LOVE watching my beloved Polanco run around the bases jumping like a 4 year old!!)  The last few years have been okay, but I've watched with despair, as my team has faded away from winning the division....and I won't even mention game 163...oops, just did...UGH....

This year the Tigs look great!!! Today was a perfect example...down 8-1 and come back to win 9-8 with a walk off homer by Miggy!! Awesome!!!  I have high hopes for the team...another World Series?  I guess we'll just see, but this time of year is my favorite!!!  :) :) :) Let's go Tigers!!!! 

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