Friday, August 19, 2011

How clueless am I?

I'll start by saying that my kids don't look like all!!!  If they had not come out of me, I would swear they were someone elses!  They look exactly like their daddy!!  They have the same shaped face, same hair, same toes, same nose (Praise the LORD)...Bryson has my brown eyes, and I can say, they both crinkle their eyes when they smile like me, but, that is it!!  All Adam!! 

We've noticed for years, that Bryson has this patch of hair on the left side of his forehead that grows faster, and longer than the rest of his matter how short it is.  Well, last night at dinner, I was looking at Meghan and said to Adam that she had "the patch" too.  We both examined our adorable four year old and he agreed that she had it as well.  Then, my loving husband  looked at me and said "they get it from you".    Adam then pointed to the left side of my forehead and said "You have hair in that spot that doesn't belong there too." 

Of course at that point, like any normal girl who has been told she has a facial abnormality, I ran to the bathroom only to discover that yes, I do have that same spot on my forehead!!  (It's right outside my hairline.)  But really, I'm 35 years has taken me this long to notice it?!?!?!???  Do I look at myself in the mirror every morning before I walk out the door?  Well, yes...since there is a HUGE mirror right by our front door.  How on earth have I missed this all these years?!!!????!!??  Seriously, HOW? 

I know that I should be excited that the kids have SOMETHING of mine, but did it have to be a patch of misguided hair on my forehead?  Really?  Ugh....

I guess though, that the next time a lovely older woman tells me so lovingly in the grocery store "they must look just like their daddy", I can say in return "Yes, but see this (pointing at their foreheads), that is from me!!"  Of course, followed quickly as we're walking away with, "but bless your heart  for noticing!!"  :)

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