If you know me, you know that I LOVE baseball!! Living in NC, away from my Detroit Tigers, for a whole season, was torture for me. Adam and I would hook up his laptop to our tv, and watch their games on mlb.com last summer, every game!! Crazy I know!! I would even park myself in front of the tv playing Sportscenter at the gym last summer....drove my NC bestie Casey CRAZY!! :)
So, when Adam and I moved back up here, one of my first comments was..."we're getting season tickets & I'm going to Opening Day!" Well, we did get the tickets, and I did go to Opening Day! We bought a package with my brother and are going to about 28 games this summer!! BUT, last night was Meghan's first time going!!!
Now, she has been to a Tiger game before, but she was about 8 months old and doesn't remember it. We moved when she was 2, so she never really had the memories that Bryson does of going to downtown Detroit for a game. I think, based on her expression, she thought the game was going to be on a softball field like the ones that Mommy & Daddy play on. Boy, was she shocked!! She told me that the Tigers play in a beautiful place...boy do they ever!!
Meghan was so good...she waited patiently until we were seated before asking for her peanuts (what's a game without them!!) and ate her Ball Park up!! She watched the players, cheered, got put on the big screen (wow!!!) and sang along in the 7th inning stretch! I couldn't have asked for her to behave better!! It was a good night, one that she won't forget....
neither will I!!!! :)
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