Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mommy's Day

 On January 26, 2001, I became a mom for the first time.  But, honestly, I think I became one the second I saw that second pink line.  I found out I was pregnant the week after Mother's day.  I remember sitting in church that sunday and hearing our Co-Pastor talk about climbing up in his mom's lap when he was little.  I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for that!!! 
Being a mom is something I always wanted to be.  I was never a career-minded woman.  I knew that someday, Adam and I would get married and have kids.  I knew that I wanted to stay home and raise them instead of working.  I know that in this society, I'm an oddball, but, really I don't care.  I never worked full time after I had Bryson, but I didn't get to stay home full time until we moved to NC.  God knew the desire of my heart.  He knew that I wanted to stay home with my kids, and He made it possible.  His timing is perfect!! 
I am also incredibly blessed to have such an amazing mom!!  She was a great example of what a Christian mom should be.  I am so humbled that God has entrusted me with these 2 amazing little people on this Earth.  My constant prayer is that Adam and I will raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  I pray that I can be the kind of woman that my daughter wants to be and my son wants to marry someday. (although he still thinks girls are yucky!!)  
You can ask my kids much does your mom love you?  And they'll tell big as the universe!!!  There is no love like the kind I have for Bryson & Meghan.  I didn't think that I could possibly love them as much as I do.  But, from the moment I first felt them move in my belly, to today, that love has grown stronger and stronger...I LOVE MY KIDS!!!! 

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