Monday, May 23, 2011

You know you're old when.....

Softball season has begun!!!  I absolutely LOVE playing ball, but I've come to realize something....I'm old!!!  I may not look my age, but man, my body (specifically my knees)  knows the truth!!!  I feel like it just hit me like a ton of bricks, but there have been warning signs....such as....

You know you're getting old when....

you're noticing you are getting closer to the top of the age bracket of the team, and FARTHER from the younger crowd....

you're asked to help coach (that should have been my true wake up!!!)

you actually say out loud..."boy, that run from 1st to 3rd sure was a lot easier in my 20's"....ugh....
about 5 minutes after the game is over, you're having a hard time walking....

you pop 4 Advil as soon as you get home so that you can make it up the stairs.....

after every game, you seriously start thinking about drinking joint juice...hopefully it would help your aching knees....
BUT, even after all of that, I absolutely LOVE playing!!!  I have no intention of quitting any time soon!!  The team this year, is full of amazing girls with fantastic hearts and attitudes!!!  

My goal is to one day play with Meghan out there...that's only 12 more!!!  I can do it!!!  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....

(the pic above is of course the BEST 2nd basemen, now 3rd baseman Placido Polanco....LOVE Polly!!!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why are there so many songs about rainbows...

When we moved back to Michigan, I found a ballet class for Meghan to join.  She LOVES going to ballet. I mean, of course she does...she gets to dance around the whole time and be her favorite thing...a ballerina (besides a princess).  She has blossomed soooo much since she's been there and she's working so hard for her recital.  I'm really proud of her. 

Well, not only was last night the closing program for AWANA at church, but it was ballet picture night!!  She has been wanting to put her costume on and dance around, so she finally got to do just that!!  She did great during pictures...we all know she HATES (hahahahaha!!) getting her picture taken and posed like a beautiful ballerina!! <tears>  She's getting so big, so I have to treasure these moments!!! 

Her class are frogs.  They're dancing to the song by the talented Kermit the frog called "Rainbow Connection".  I just have to say....they are TOO CUTE!!!  I can't wait for the recital to see how she does.  She wanted to take ballet, but as I'm watching her grow I'm finding that she is built just like me...long and lanky.  I'm hoping ballet will help her be a little more graceful than good-ole-Fumblina mom!! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Perfect summer day....

Last week, we had a taste of summer...okay, it was like taking a "taste" of ice cream on those little tiny spoons to see if you want that flavor or was VERY brief!!!  It got me thinking about what my perfect summer day is....sunny, laying out in my hammock reading while my kiddies are playing.  Yep, sounds perfect!!! 

This summer I already have a reading list to get thru.  I'm a huge reader, but the last couple years, it has been really difficult to get thru a book without falling asleep.  Yep, I think I'm getting old.  But, this summer, I have a list....

5 Conversations you must have with your daughter by Vicki Courtney.  Our church did this as a study a while back and I didn't get to do it.  It's a great book so far!!!!  It's a bit crazy reading about how society has such an effect on little girls!!!  Ugh....

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp.....I've tried reading this book several times, but I'm determined this summer to get thru it!!!!

Becoming more than a good Bible Study girl by Lysa Terkeurst...I'm sooooo excited about this book!!!  I just got it the other day, and it looks GREAT!!!

Forgotten God by Francis Chan...halfway thru....MUST FINISH IT!!!!

The five Love Languages by Gary Chapman...can't believe I've never read this!!!

Made to Crave: Satisfying your Deepest Desire with God, not food by Lysa Terkeurst

Capture His Heart: Being the godly wife your Husband Desires by Lysa Terkeurst

Any suggestions.....?????????

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Daisy Duke vs. Virtuous Woman

Daisy Duke...the cousin of the adorable, but troublesome Bo & Luke Duke, was notorious for her short cutoff much, that short shorts became known as Daisy Dukes.  Thirty years later, the name has stuck, and unfortunately, so have the short shorts.  It's weird how fashion has cycles...I never thought I would see the day that leggings were back in style!!  Many of the clothing out today is very 80's...and unfortunately that means short!!!  Being a child of the 80's, and being lanky & tall, was very difficult.  Nothing was long enough, and that stunk when I had a dress code at school.

Last night, Adam and I were in downtown Detroit at the Tigers game.  Last night was also the kickoff to the annual hoedown...a concert of many country stars.  I've never been to the hoedown.  Why you ask?  Well...1.  I don't like country music and 2. I don't like country music.  (rock bands, I would be all over that!!) And last night, I saw way too much cleavage and too many "daisy dukes".  Most of the ones I saw dressing like that, looked like they were still walking the halls of the local Metro Detroit high schools.  That makes me sad and uneasy.

Sad in the fact that their parents let them walk out the door like that, and uneasy looking at not only my 4 year old daughter, but also my 10 year old son.  How do I protect my son from that?  How do I keep my daughter from dressing like that?

I'll be honest, and call me what you want, but I never did dress like that.  Even now in my mid 30's, I'm still concerned about my hemline and my neckline.  My mom told me as a girl that how I dressed was a reflection on what type of boys I would attract.  Did I want the "bad boys" or ones that didn't respect me?  Or did I want a God-fearing boy who would respect me in who I was, and not what I looked like. 

I honestly used to hate shopping with my mom, but now I appreciate it.  I appreciate the fact that she raised me in being aware of what kind of message I was sending with my clothing.  I don't think parents do that today.  I think that some, not all, but some just tell their daughters that they look "cute" when they should be telling them to cover their "girls" up or telling them their skirt/shorts are too short.

Running through my brain last night as I was looking around was Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.  I was having a hard time finding on in the "D" last night.

I'm just praying that God will guide me along the way to not only be a virtuous woman as an example to my daughter, but also to raise her to be one as well.  It doesn't just stop there...also to raise my son to find his virtuous woman.  It's a tall order, especially in today's society, but with God's help and guidance, there is hope!! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In My Daughter's Eyes

In My Daughter's Eyes by Martina McBride

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the
world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me
strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand
around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about

It's hangin' on when your heart
has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy
she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes

Mamma Meghan...or Princess Meghan...both?

Sometimes, when I think about my daughter, I just want to cry.  No, not in the bad sense, but because she is just so amazing.  There are so many times that I just sit and watch her in amazement.  (don't worry, I do it with Bryson too...) She is just a whole different animal than her brother.  Bryson could care less about knowing people's names...Meghan, on the other hand, knows EVERYONE'S name!!!  She says everyone is her best friend...she's very social...I think it's a girl thing. 

Meghan's biggest attribute is that she is so caring.  She will one day, be a FANTASTIC mother!!  She is so loving and comforting.  If someone is hurting, crying, upset...she is right there trying to make them feel better.  She is also very much that she used to get in trouble for getting between Bryson and I when he was getting in trouble. :)  I've called her Mamma Meghan since she was a baby...always carrying a baby doll with her that is her daughter...usually named Meghan. 

At the same time, she is such a PRINCESS!!!  She is so girly and I have no idea where she got it from!!!  I didn't wear pink until I was 27...ugh....  She loves to wear princess dresses and tiaras and dresses and pretty shoes.  She loves dancing and ballet, BUT also loves to sit and watch baseball with me!!!  :)  She loves to  paint her nails and wear lip gloss and have her hair, I love her!!!  So much it hurts...that someday she'll leave and grow up....<tears>

My daughter is just AMAZING...just the way she is!! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

What kind am I?

At church last night, the sermon was on the 4 different kinds of mothers in the Bible.  I started thinking to myself, which one am I?  Which one should I be? 

In Exodus 2 is the well known story of Moses in the basket in the Nile River.  His mother was very Protective of him.  She sent his little sister along to keep an eye on him to make sure he was okay.  I'm sure as a mother, I wouldn't have wanted to see any harm come to my child, so I probably would've sent my daughter to watch too...knowing Meghan though, she would've been treading water with him making sure he was okay all the time! :) 
There are so many ways to protect out kids...emotionally, physically, morally and spiritually.  I pray that in the many years of raising my kids I have in front of me, that I can protect them.  I need to protect them from danger, from teaching them right from wrong and what the Bible says about it.  I need to protect them from things that will hurt them and that are not honoring God.  And, most importantly, I need to teach them how to love, serve and follow God in their lives.  I know that if I continually follow the Lord, He will continue to show me where I need to be and how to be a good and godly mother to my kids.

In 1 Samuel, we meet Hannah...Samuel's mother.  She was an amazing woman of faith.  So much so, that she was unable to have a child and prayed to the Lord that we would bless her with a son and that she would give back to the Lord.  That's a tall order.  I dedicated both of my kids, but really didn't "give" them back to God.  The dedication was more for Adam & I and raising our kids up in the Lord.  Hannah actually GAVE Samuel back to God by taking him to the Temple so that he would be taught to be a man of God.  She came every year and brought him a coat...doesn't sound like much, but it was all in love for her son.  Hannah was a Supportive mother.  I wonder if I will be that kind of mother if Bryson or Meghan come to me and tell me they want to be a missionary to Africa, or China, or Timbuktu!!? 
I pray daily for my kids and need to remember that God answers prayers about them ...I need to give my kids to the Lord so that he can use them how He sees it in the ministry, or in their own ministry in their home raising a family.  I need to support them always!! 

In 2 Timothy, Paul talks to Timothy about Timothy's mother and grandmother, Lois and Eunice...what great women of God they were.  They taught Timothy about the Lord...they were Instructive!!!!  It made me am I instructing my kids in the matter of Christ?  Am I teaching them about tithing, about being faithful?  Will my kids look back at how I raised them and say "wow, my mom was a hypocrite" or "Wow, my mom was a godly woman who loved the Lord"?   I pray that it is the latter, but I need to teach by example...lead by example.  We joke at our house that Meghan is "monkey" because she "sees and does" what others...usually doing.  That is a HUGE responsibility for me!!!  But, it is even more reason for me to draw close to the Lord daily!!!  To seek His face!!

Lastly, we meet the most well known mother, I feel, in the Bible...Mary.  She was a Loyal mom!!!  I can't imagine what she went thru...with child before she was married and learning that He was going to be the Savior of the world!!!  Or, what she went through watching her son being beaten and hung on a cross to die.  But, I do know, that she never left His side.  She was loyal to the end of His earthly life.  I don't ever want to give up on my kids.  I feel that so many parents do, especially when times get rough with their kids.  No one said parenthood was going to be is BY FAR the HARDEST job I've ever had!!!  But, it is the best job too!!! 

I want to be a culmination of all of these moms.  I want to be Protective, Supportive, Instructional and Loyal!!!  I want to raise my kids to be full time matter what they do when they grow up.  I pray that they will live their lives without filter for Christ.  It is my heart's desire, but a lot of that weighs on me as their mother.  I just pray that I will walk with the Lord daily and guide my children in the way that He has me. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mommy's Day

 On January 26, 2001, I became a mom for the first time.  But, honestly, I think I became one the second I saw that second pink line.  I found out I was pregnant the week after Mother's day.  I remember sitting in church that sunday and hearing our Co-Pastor talk about climbing up in his mom's lap when he was little.  I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for that!!! 
Being a mom is something I always wanted to be.  I was never a career-minded woman.  I knew that someday, Adam and I would get married and have kids.  I knew that I wanted to stay home and raise them instead of working.  I know that in this society, I'm an oddball, but, really I don't care.  I never worked full time after I had Bryson, but I didn't get to stay home full time until we moved to NC.  God knew the desire of my heart.  He knew that I wanted to stay home with my kids, and He made it possible.  His timing is perfect!! 
I am also incredibly blessed to have such an amazing mom!!  She was a great example of what a Christian mom should be.  I am so humbled that God has entrusted me with these 2 amazing little people on this Earth.  My constant prayer is that Adam and I will raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  I pray that I can be the kind of woman that my daughter wants to be and my son wants to marry someday. (although he still thinks girls are yucky!!)  
You can ask my kids much does your mom love you?  And they'll tell big as the universe!!!  There is no love like the kind I have for Bryson & Meghan.  I didn't think that I could possibly love them as much as I do.  But, from the moment I first felt them move in my belly, to today, that love has grown stronger and stronger...I LOVE MY KIDS!!!! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bryson the Great

Words that describe my Bryson....

Air guitar player

Friday, May 6, 2011

Things to know....

Things to know about me....

1. I am a child of God!!!
2. I am 100% in love with my husband!! We've been together almost 20 years!!
3. I have two children...Bryson who is 10 and Meghan who is 4...they are AMAZING!!!
4. I LOVE baseball!!! MLB is my favorite channel...and my favorite show is Sportscenter!! :)
5. My son is of the coolest kids that I know...made me a better mom!!!
6. My daughter is a princess...I'm not sure how that happened...I'm not girly at all!! :)
7. I love Cherry will be in Heaven!! 
8. I'm a stay at home mom...and I LOVE it!!  It is a huge blessing in our lives!!
9. I'll admit, I'm a royal family nut!!  
10. I love music...although the older I get, the more I like the "oldies". 
11. I strive more than anything, to be a godly wife and mother.  It's the hardest thing to continually do!!
12. I miss North Carolina badly...I miss the people at Lawndale Baptist Church like crazy!!!  
13. Although I miss NC, I am so happy to be back home!
14. I'm a TV junkie...I watch way too much!!!
15. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:13....And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.